Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Getting Started with Google AdWords

Congratulations! You've successfully signed up for AdWords!

Are you wondering what to do next? If you haven't done so already, please
follow these steps to activate your account:

1. Sign in to your account at
2. Click the Create your first campaign button. The campaign setup process
involves four simple steps:
- Choose your budget
- Create your ads
- Select keywords that match your ad to potential customers
- Enter your billing information

Once you complete these steps, your account will be activated.

We also recommend that you check out our AdWords Beginner's Guide:

The Beginner's Guide is filled with practical tips and advice to help you
achieve success with your online advertising campaign, such as:
- How to sign in to your AdWords account
- How to write effective ads and select good keywords
- How to manage your costs and set a budget
- How to see how your ad is doing
- What to do if you have a question or need help

Need a little extra help? For free campaign setup support, call:
1-855-331-2683. Not in the US? For global numbers and hours, visit:

We're delighted to welcome you to Google AdWords, and we wish you every
success with your new online campaign.

The Google AdWords Team

Your AdWords customer ID: 822-719-2659

Important note: We periodically review accounts for security purposes and
to verify billing information. If your account undergoes review, your ads
will not show during this time period. This process is designed for your
protection and to maintain the quality and security of AdWords. Your ads
will be eligible to show as soon as your account is out of review, usually
within 3 business days. However, if your ads still do not run after this
time period, you may contact us directly:

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