Monday, May 19, 2014

New HMA! Pro VPN Android App, Mac OS and Windows software available

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Dear HMA! customer,

We're very excited to announce the launch of the new Hide My Ass! Pro VPN Android App. The dedicated HMA! Pro VPN Android app provides the best VPN experience for your phone or tablet. Giving you quick and easy access to one of the largest server networks available - securing and encrypting the internet connection on your Android device has never been so easy. As an HMA! subscriber you can now download the free app from the Google Play store today and login using your HMA! username and password. 

“Good things come to those wait” (Anonymous Mac User)
Yes, we know this has taken some time, so we’re really happy to announce the Alpha version of the new Mac OS software is now available.
Codenamed: “Mountain Donkey” – The ‘Alpha version’ of the new Mac OS software is ready to be launched. With the feedback and help of the Alpha community, we envisage that its development can swiftly move into a Beta release (to take out any bugs spotted in Mountain Donkey’s coat) before the final version is released shortly after.
To join our Alpha community and download the new software, please click here.
But wait there’s more:
The latest version of our Windows software 2.8.4 is available.
To ensure the best possible experience using your HMA! Pro VPN network please update to this latest version.
To download the latest windows version, please click here.
Thanks again for your continued support.
Best wishes,
The HMA! Team

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HMA! Team
7 Moor Street, London, W1

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